Friday, October 18, 2013

quit the rules

quit the rules man, the don't kiss on the first date rule,
the don't call her for 4 days after she gives you her number rule
the rule that says you aren't allowed to text him first
or the one that says he should be the one asking you to dance,

but what if he touched you first,
and she loved you first,
no i'm not talking about dying for you love,
i'm talking about she loving what she sees,
and the way he loves what he feels.

i know you don't want to do anything you regret,
but those connections aren't easy to get,
so why you trying to front
so quick to fret
based on what the last guy did
or the last girl said.

if you got some beautiful goddess in front of you
and you got this classy sexy beau double-checking you
and you know it's good because you feel it's clean
they're those decent vibes that you can see and feel,
and when you move closer,
why don't you just show him what you feel,
having a conversation with your bodies,
but you're worried about what the word on the street is
about what you do, and whom with
man who cares where the street is
you're here right now
hold the defense
coz he's transporting you to another planet with this remix,
humble like a soldier
fighter with his guns wrapped around you like corona
baller yes, you can take me off the floor now
let's do it to our own beat
coz you deserve that kinda honour

see rules, just complicate things
under the disguise of protection
some of them just make you feel shit
you deciding something before it even happens
just go with flow and if you like it,
tell him, don't make that boy feel like
a fool for being a romantic
respond to each other
and you'll know when it happens
coz you weren't blindsided by some captions
looking somewhere else like you got lost in translation

so tonight my ladies and gents,
if you find that strange connection,
just do your thayng,
no questions.

smile, walk up to them,
coz in more ways than one you're attractive.
so let yourself have a taste of that magic.

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